Monday 2 November 2020

Plant Sprayer

I'm a bit behind with my printing at the minute - there are several half-finished films inside various cameras which, no doubt, contain many, many masterpieces.  If only I could get my finger out and finish said films then I could share them.  For the moment, though, I give you one from earlier in the year when I was in 'Still Life' mode.  The thing, I think, is for spraying plants.  From the Sinar, cropped to square, if I remember correctly:

FP4+ Delta, on Foma 133 paper.

The original scan you see here - from my old Epson flat-bed - wasn’t particularly good, so I scanned it again at higher resolution and cropped it, just to see how the texture detail was resolved.   On my hard drive this comes in at just over 11Mb (I'm not sure if/how Blogger re-jigs images, though):

Higher resolution scan of the same print

It’s not the most interesting objet d’art but on close inspection the metal/chrome bits look pretty good I think.

Life is slowly returning to some sort of normality.  School starts again tomorrow, after an extended 2-week half-term break.  I might have to set the alarm for the morning, given the fact that we put our clocks back last weekend.  I'm usually awake much earlier than I need to be, but of course when you need to get up earlier than usual that's guaranteed to be the one morning you sleep in.  Then it's a horrible mad rush to the start of the day, which I'd rather avoid.  

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