Thursday 26 January 2023

The show must go on

Obviously I'm not out and about this week, nor maybe next week either, so this week's prints are ones I made last week, from a wintery walk around the Cliff Path in Portstewart.

On the 'Blad, Delta 3200 rated at 1600.  Ilford MG Classic paper.
Donegal (Inishowen peninsula) just visible in the distance.

Recovery has been going OK, although understandably I've been very tired since Monday.  Monday itself was fine, immediately after surgery I was feeling good, but I guess that's a result of the anesthesia and when that wears off then there's a slump.  I'm usually on the go all the time, so this is a bit weird for me, but I try to listen to my body as much as possible and I know that right now, rest is required.  It's a good time to catch up on my reading.


  1. With all of the new parts implanted into you, you're becoming The Six Million Dollar Man! :-) I hope the rest of your recovery goes easy.

    1. Jim, I'm getting upgraded, bit by bit. But today I feel more like a $6 man than anything else. And thanks!
