Monday 5 April 2021

Still there...

At Dunseverick, that is.  Only this time looking East towards Fair Head, Rathlin and Bonny Scotland (though the latter two seem to have disappeared in this shot...):

Same old: Pinhole shot, via 4x5 Fomapan 200 rated at 50, tray developed in ID-11 1:2 for 11 minutes and printed on Ilford'sMG Classic fibre paper.

The 'look' that I'm getting from these pinhole shots is quite different to my usual and I'm liking it.  Don't know if or how that might influence my work with normal cameras but I guess that's the exciting part of this journey.  Something I read (or most likely re-read) recently caused me to stop and think - usually no bad thing and something that I could be doing with a lot more.  This article about the great Harry Callahan appears on Erik Kim's site and is well worth 10 minutes of your time.  Mr Callahan, let's not forget, had a quite incredible 38 exhibitions at New York's MOMA.  If you want, you can edit out Mr Kim's thoughts  and just cut to the chase with the article itself (the middle bit) although since I'm about to write about HC (albeit briefly) perhaps that's a tad disingenuous.  

There's so much to like about the way Harry C thinks and writes about his photographic journey...his feelings of inadequacy in the presence of renowned photographers, the revelation he experiences when he first meets Ansel Adams' work - and just as interestingly his subsequent movement away from that.  But two things in particularly stand out for me - his view that sharing our own feelings is a valuable thing and that every day is a photographic adventure.  


  1. That's quite some sky you captured there!

    1. We get good skies here Jim - lots of rain clouds!

  2. It's almost the inverse of the first photo from the location. Now the arrowhead is in the sky.
    Thank you for the link to the article. I'll have a look at it, even the Erik Kim bits.

    1. Erik Kim is OK, although I don't check what he's up to very frequently.

    2. There seem to be a lot of video clips of him showin' off his muscles.
      I liked the article, but I don't like EK's ambush style of street photography.

    3. Yes I noticed the muscles thing too - it's been a while since I looked at his blog and he seems to be moving on a bit from the photography thing towards some sort of lifestyle guru/influencer with a bit of photography thrown in for good measure.

      I know what you mean about his ambush style. It wouldn't go down to well over here, that's for sure.
