Monday 17 January 2022


I'm always drawn to this playpark when in Portrush - it has interesting geometry.  Unfortunately last week the light was very dull compared to when I last photographed it on the 'Blad (here) but it still offered something:

Playpark at Portrush.  OM4ti, 85mm on HP5+, Foma 313 paper.

Actually on reflection I'm not sure it offered very much at all, when I compare it to the previous shot. There's some repetition of the lines and curves (which I like) but it could do with a bit of sparkle. Can't win 'em all.  Still, sometimes it's just good to be out with a camera and not worry too much about the outcome.


  1. I think it has as much merit as the earlier shot. In an abstract kind of way I like it better. You’ve kept all the elements nicely separated. Maybe a bit more compression would have helped, but then, if you ain’t already got one, you’d need a longer lens for your ‘blad. But then I bet you don’t need help from me when it comes to the G.A.S eh! I scored a nice Flektogon for my Spotmatic last week for a bit of a bargain of £30, but bigger Zeiss glass, that’s a whole different World of explanation.

    1. Thank you CD - appreciated.

      At the prices film gear fetches these days I'm glad I bought a few years ago. I need no more gear...but that's not to say I'm not tempted! For £30 you can't go wrong...that's the sort of money I don't mind spending these days.
