Monday 13 September 2021

Whiterocks and tears

This is the view from the East viewing platform at Magheracross.  Standing on it gives you a grand look at the limestone cliffs, with all their arches and stacks - the sort of stuff you would normally only see from a boat unless someone was dangling you by the ankles over the cliff face:

Looking down from the viewing platform at Magheracross on a dull morning in August, 2021HP5+ via the M6, on Foma 133 paper.

The bigger picture:

Cropped to square from 35mm, on MGV Deluxe paper.   This area is known as the Whiterocks, for some reason ;)  The beach just visible in the distance leads to Portrush, about a mile or so away to the East and is a very pleasant walk on most days of the year.

Uni Update:  Yesterday (Sunday) evening my wife&I said Goodbye to Missy and left her to start her new life at Oxford Brookes Uni. We fly home today. Needless to say there were tears. 

Saturday was a very busy day, with a (very) early flight over from Belfast and a day of trains and taxis interspersed with getting Missy's room into some sort of inhabitable condition.  Restrictions due to Covid-19 meant us parents had only a one-hour slot on campus before we had to leave so it was a mad rush to get boxes unpacked, bed made and try to see what we had forgotten to bring. Then we took a taxi to a large supermarket and got a few essentials to start her off.  By that time we were all ready to collapse - my wife and I back in our hotel in town and Missy in her room.  Yesterday we met up for lunch and had a bit of a dander about Oxford - which is a fabulous city, famous for the University Colleges dating back to the 12th Century.  It's a busy place - though I tend to find all cities busy (and noisy) these days. Perhaps living in semi-rural Northern Ireland has something to do with that. I took the Yashica T4 with me to Oxford but didn’t do a lot of snapping…too much else to think about. We’ll see if anything worth sharing appears when I get the energy to do some darkroom work.  Meanwhile my wife & I will be busy trying to make sense of being ‘empty nesters’. Scary stuff.


  1. I can't help you with the empty nest problem, I'm afraid. But I can say that the two photos, especially the first, are very good. Maybe bring some Velvia slide film to that location . . . . ?

    1. Thank you Marcus, appreciated.

      Haha Velvia - I do have one film left and one day I'll get round to shooting it. It's a couple of years out of date now so I'd better get on with it.

    2. Autumn is coming/here. No better time? I'm in a slump so I've decided to work on my photography skills by mastering Kodak Ektachrome. The goal is to make such well-exposed and framed slides that I can get them printed straight from the film without me having to scan and adjust in the computer.

    3. You’re right - Autumn colours would be perfect on it.

      Slumps are horrible-you feel like you should be out there but see nothing of interest. I think your Ektachrome plan sounds a great idea for getting you motivated to shoot.
