Thursday 2 September 2021

The Stones

Not the Stones that have been in the news recently on account of the demise of drummer and natty dresser Mr Charlie Watts.  No - these stones, wot I snapped up while they were resting on my mother's windowsill:

Stones, August 2021.  Via Hasselblad/150mm with extension tube.  FP4+, RO9 on MGV paper.  I would have liked a little more texture on the white stones but I like the way the others came out.  So if I print this again, I'll do a small burn-in. 

I'm guessing every now and then a stone catches her eye and she places it on the windowsill by her back door.  And why not, eh?  The different textures are rather nice, I think.


  1. Stones are nice to look at and feel. The white ones look overexposed on my monitor. I assume the print looks better.

    1. Not much, Marcus. Standards, already low, are dropping…
