Monday 1 May 2023


Back home now after a week away.  Got two films developed yesterday and a very quick darkroom session this morning to get something printed.  I seem to have taken a lot of photographs of shutters.  Here's the first offering:

Cagliari shutters; OM4ti, 85mm Zuiko.  FP4+ in Ilfotec HC for 8minutes (1:31).
Foma 133 paper, mild thiourea tone, which didn't take as well as I would have liked.

Cagliari was superb - beat my expectations by a long chalk.  Plenty big enough with lots of interesting streets to explore on foot and enough variety to keep it interesting.  It was quite hilly, so challenging in the heat at times.  Most days we just ambled around the different districts, stopping for tea and cake and wandering in and out of any church that happened to be open...and there were a lot of churches.  For a bloke familiar with austere Northern Irish Presbyterian Buildings the Cagliari Roman Catholic churches were on the other end of the spectrum - filled with statues, art works, marble and gold.  I did what I could to capture them on HP5+, not developed yet so I can't promise anything.


  1. The shutters stand out nicely against the darker wall. Is that the silhouette of a long-haired woman inside the building? Or the reflection of something across the street?

    1. There are some fancy street lamps (like the one on the left of the shutters) reflected in the windows. That's what drew my eye to the shot - unfortunately they aren't too visible in this print. Might need a little delicate dodging to bring them out.

  2. looking forward to more images

    1. I shall hopefully get some more printing done soon, Andrea!
