Monday 8 May 2023

Al fresco

This is certainly one thing we miss over here in Ulster - the ability to sit out and eat in the evenings.  In Cagliari everyone did it, every night from what we could see:

OM4ti, possibly 85mm; FP4+ on Foma 133
There are some weird artefacts on the lower left of this print and I'm not quite sure what's going on there.  I don't think it's lens flare, more likely it's something not quite pukka in the darkroom.

Italy is an hour ahead of us, so when we were getting hungry (after tramping the streets all day) at 6pm, it was 7pm there.  Most restaurants were just opening then and usually we were first to sit down at a table - the locals started arriving an hour later, 8pm their time.  A few times the waiter even apologised to us, saying the kitchen staff were eating and wouldn't be ready to serve food for a little while.  That was fine, we were happy to sit, enjoy a glass of wine and engage in the serious business of people watching.   A 500ml carafe of vino della casa came in at 5 euros, and very drinkable it was too.   At home the price of wine in a restaurant is becoming a bit of a joke - at a minimum it's £20 a bottle and usually more.  We rarely go out to eat, since both my wife and I enjoy cooking at home, so it was a pleasant diversion to eat out on holiday.  Having said that, a couple of nights we did cook in our apartment - old habits die hard.


  1. Very good photo. The guy on the left looking at the menu explains what sort of street it is.
    There isn't really any outdoor eating like that in Korea. Narrow sidewalks and mad scooter drivers rule it out, really.

  2. Thanks. Most of the restaurant areas in Gagliari were on pedestrianised streets so there was no car noise or pollution, which was a bonus.

    In places like Portstewart/Portrush a lot of the cafes have pavement licences now. That's a new thing. I'm not a big fan, even on days when the weather is clement enough to sit out, since you've a steady throng of people passing right by you plus endless cars going up and down the road a few metres away.
