Thursday 23 December 2021

Merry YouKnowWhat

Well it's that time of year again.  Seems to go round quicker than ever these days.  Hope you have all your shopping done and got everything Ship-shape and Bristol fashion, as they used to say once upon a time.    I was going to add something about visiting friends and family but that's not really to be advised given the current state of things.  I suspect we're all hoping 2022 brings a bit of normality but it's not looking great, is it?  A few of us from the Photo Club did meet up (outside, briefly) last week and it was really good to see some familiar faces again.  I think that's the bit that I enjoy most about the Club - just getting out and about with like-minded and friendly people. 

Anyway, today I give you a print of one of the many objets adorning our Christmas Tree.  I leave all that kind of thing to my wife, who each year somehow manages to out-do herself from the previous year - and that's saying something.  

FP4+ on the 'Blad, with a 60mm and extension tube.  1 second exposure.  Dev'd in HC110 1:31 for 9minutes and printed on Foma 133. 

Wherever you are in the world I hope you have a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful Christmas.