Monday 20 December 2021

It's the little things

It's the little things you notice - the coat draped over the back of the seat, the trainers sitting at the bottom of the stairs.  Indicators that a certain person is back in the house.  Yes, Missy arrived home for the Christmas Holidays on Friday evening, in good spirits in spite of a 12 hour journey up to Scotland and across on the ferry.   

This morning she's away for a walk on the beach.  There are a lot of things in Oxford but no beaches, so perhaps she's missed living close to the sea.

Anyway, pretty much everything is going well in her life - she loves her course and loves Oxford.  The only thing she doesn't love is sharing with 5 others...who all seem to be majoring in Partying, Staying up Late and Drinking.  Thankfully, Missy was never really interested in any of those subjects.  She says it gets a bit tedious when they're banging on her door at 4am...about 5 nights of the week.  Then when she's getting up at 7 or 8am, there are bodies and devastation everywhere.  I think it's just been bad luck - apparently her kitchen is the biggest around, so it has become the focal point for anyone and everyone who wants to 'socialise'.  Anyway, the good news is she's arranged to move to different, quieter Halls when she returns for the second semester at the end of January.  Fingers crossed that will solve this particular problem.

If you don't know where this is you haven't been paying close enough attention to the last few posts.  This one I managed to keep at the original 4:5 proportions.  I was pleased the sea didn't end up completely white, as I thought it might on account of the size and strength of the waves that were breaking. Same particulars as before - Fomapan 200 rated at 50, dev'd in HC-110 and printed on Foma 133.


  1. My son, back from Uni also, was not back in the house last night when I got up for a wee at 4a.m. He got lost walking home from a friend, a circuitous 7 miles apparently. Another nice calm image!

    1. Ah these young ones, eh? What are they like! (Answer: probably like us 40-odd years ago...)
      And thank you!
