Thursday 11 June 2020

The other West Bank

Another shot from Derry's Walls - this time looking over the Fountain Estate.  For a bit of fun I printed out the film rebates, so you can see what a Hasselblad full frame shot looks like - its signature are the two notches along the left side and the corner ears:

"The other West Bank", Derry/Londonderry, 2018

It's worth clicking on the image to read the message on the wall.  Notice the one Ulster Flag flying.  The Fountain Estate is I think the only Protestant area now in the Cityside part of Derry.  During the late 60s and early 70s there was a mass exodus of Protestants to the Waterside, across the River Foyle.  Similarly, Roman Catholics living on the Waterside migrated in the other direction.  For some reason, the residents of the Fountain Estate dug in and for them, the city is definitely called Londonderry.  This shot must have been taken early summer - before July 12th.  That I know for sure, since there are large numbers of wooden pallets stacked along the road and the beginnings of a bonfire on the waste patch in the foreground.  For the Annual 12th July celebrations there are many bonfires erected across Northern Ireland - largely made from pallets.  Some are big - very big!  They are traditionally lit on the 11th Night.

What this shot is missing is a human.  I ran out of patience and typically, as I lowered the camera after taking the shot a youngster on a bicycle came around the corner and pedalled up past the flag.  That would have made the shot, I think.  Next time I shall stay a bit longer and hopefully get what I want. 


  1. There was a Protestant/Catholic divide in my hometown when I was young, though nothing like Ireland, of course. All the Catholics went to the Catholic schools and wore uniforms. The state school was mostly protestants and we had no uniforms. The two high schools were rivals for hockey and there was guaranteed to be a fight after every game. Stupid.
    Some year ago the government said it's ridiculous to be spending money on three or four school systems (the Pentecostals had their own schools as well) and decided to integrate all schools into one system. Well, the Catholics got their lawyers on the job and said it was religious intolerance, blah, blah, blah. But the government finally succeeded and made one school system. Then some unhappy parents started calling in bomb threats and so on. Mental. At least there were no real bombs.
    Interesting photo. That sign is something else. Too bad you missed the cyclist. That's happened to me lots of times. You stand around for half an hour or so and as soon as you give up someone walks into the frame where you wanted them. I should start bringing students on photo outings with me.

    1. Well done on the Canadian Government for sticking to their guns and pushing through the reform. Quite right. Those parents should hang their heads in shame - but there are some mightily intolerant people out there, as we know only too well.

      The sign is good, isn't it! ;)

      Bringing a student or friend with sounds like a good plan. When you see some of the photographs of the greats there is nearly always a 'person of interest' in the shot and I'm sure lots were staged, to a degree. Someone mysterious with a long coat and trilby hat would work for me...or else a glamorous lady. The latter, actually :)

    2. Would your daughter be willing to work as a 'composition assistant' in exchange for later curfews, more screen time, bigger allowance, etc.? She has some interest in photography, yes?

    3. That’s not a bad idea, Marcus...if I could get her up in the mornings. She likes her lie-ins :)

    4. Maybe take up night photography . . . .

    5. Nice idea but then I’d be in competition with the boyfriend & her girl friends. I’m pretty sure how that conversation would go ;)

      I might get lucky in a 2/hour window in the middle of the day - about the worst time for taking photographs lol

    6. Oh, well. It was a nice idea while it lasted . . . .
