Monday 22 June 2020

British Merlin Made

Another on the Shed Series - from the good ol' days when you could actually tinker on car and bike engines yourself.  From the look of it I had a Softar filter on the lens.  On old Kenthene fixed grade paper, toned in sepia and selenium:

Old spanner, Hasselblad FP4+ on Kenthene fixed grade paper, toned

I'm still not out & about much at all even though I've received another letter saying that I can now leave the house and meet a friend outside (due to the medications I take for my ankylosing spondylitis I'm classed as 'vulnerable').  I can't say I've missed driving one bit - my body is feeling the benefits of not squeezing into a car & sitting in an unnaturally cramped position every day, even if only for the school run.  I've even been able to see what few family members we have, since we have a big enough garden to sit in.  On occasion they've even been in the house over the last month or so - but at a distance.   Northern Ireland hasn't seen too many COVID-19 cases and most are in care homes or in/near the major urban area of Greater Belfast, about 50 miles to the South East.  I think up here on the north coast we've got away fairly far, anyway.  I suspect the near constant wind washing over us from the Atlantic has probably helped.

I did venture into town on Friday last and was surprised by how many people were around.  Big queues for Next...clearly people have missed buying clothes.  I was also surprised that virtually no-one (except me!) was wearing a face mask - the only other people I noticed with a mask were the ones organising the line into and out of Next.   

At the start of the lockdown we did a few online grocery shops but lately either my wife or I have been doing a big weekly shop at one of the local stores.  The online shops were OK...but you never receive exactly what you're after and while Yes OK it's a First World Problem when you get a smaller box of Corn Flakes that you requested we seemed to be spending about twice what we usually do.   I think the big stores have done a pretty good job with things - hand santisers and sprays/wipes for the trolleys at the entrance, capping the number of people in the store at any one time, a one-way system (which people are starting to ignore) and large screens at the checkouts.  Personally, I'd like to see all of those things kept even if the current virus disappears. 


  1. First World Problems are still problems, especially if they costing you money.
    I like the spanner crossed over whatever the other thing is. Merlin is a great name for a brand. Is it still around? Or been replaced by overseas stuff? I try to buy things from countries with good labour laws, but it's almost impossible these days.

    1. Thanks Marcus - it's two spanners on top of an old can of tractor grease. The name 'Merlin' and the 'British Made' are what made me want to photograph it - it sounded like a classic brand at one time. On the other side of the spanner it has the name 'Garrington' and a quick search reveals an interesting history to the company (

      (Amazing what you can find out there - I'm a bit of a sucker for this sort of stuff)

    2. Interesting, but sad reading.
