Monday 24 June 2019

Meanwhile, back on the farm...

Well not on the farm per se, but the Ballymoney Agricultural Show.  A couple more for you and the associated verbals.

The girl here and her wee Jersey Cow were standing some way off from the main crowd and there was no-one else around so I headed over that way and asked her about her pet - for that is what it was, I learnt.  'Like a big dog' she said.  She would have stood all day and chatted and when I asked for a photograph she was only too happy... 'Do you want the cow's head in it, too' she asked as she pulled her wee cow in close to her.  Did I?!

Ballymoney Show, 2019.  Hasselblad, HP5+@250iso, ID-11, Adox paper

I asked about the fact that the cow's ribs seemed to be very prominent and from her reply I gathered that the cow was in perfect condition.  I did notice other animals in a similar state and some looked liked they'd been shaved along the rib lines to accentuate them even more.

Proud handler

I think it’s fairly safe to say this is father and son.  Dad there was spraying and back-combing the animal which Junior was about to lead to the Showing Ring.  The lad was very proud and when he saw me approach with the camera stood tall and posed for me superbly.  It was some size of an animal he was working with there and I was glad he seemed to have a good grasp of the rope.

On another note, Missy's exams have finally finished - a month after they started.  It was a long month - she did almost nothing else except eat, sleep and revise.  But like all things it has come to an end and now we can all relax a little.  For Missy that means Music Festivals in Belfast for the next couple of weeks.  For us it means trying to stay awake to the wee hours in order to pick her up from the train.  And just maybe I'll get out and about with a camera and into the darkroom again...


  1. That's a young woman proud of her cow. Good on Missy for finishing her exams; I hope she enjoys her break!

    1. You’re right there, Jim :)

      Thanks and Missy has thrown herself into her summer break as if the exams were in the dim and distant past. Quite right, too!
