Wednesday 27 April 2016

A different look

You know how I post a lot of snaps of Portstewart Strand, right?  Like this one:

Not hard to spot the grain in this one, eh?  HP5+ on the Nikon 180mm

I know, not great weather coming in there from Donegal.  Someday last week this was, and I doubt if I walked very far up the beach that day.

When you turn around this is the sort of scene that awaits you:

Not many on the beach that day...just some random footprints and, no doubt, pawprints.
I don't usually point the camera in this direction - there's only the golf club and houses and stuff there,  which aren't that interesting (although not too noticeable in this shot).  We have, like Scotland, more than our fair share of golf courses around The Liberties.  They do like their golf around here, that's for sure - Portrush is hosting <<The Open>> in 2019 as far as I understand.  Not so long ago I used to like the odd walk around a golf course, although I was never obsessed with it like some people round here are.  There are days when I'm on the beach with the Hound and it's fairly lashing it down, wind and rain and stuff.  And still those golfers are out there, trying to get that wee ball in the hole.  I don't know who's madder - me or them...

1 comment:

  1. Ah, great snaps again my friend! I like that first one up there on top very, very much. The right kind of weather for this kind of picture, anyway. And good grain there is, inside the thing. Very good.
    And golfers... not that I know to much about them other than the couple of very dedicated golfers I got a little bit to the left on my family tree, but still. I think they must be unstoppable, most of them. And, besides, I can't think of golfers without immediately think of Robin Williams fantastic play around the scotsman who invented the game. You'll find it here, but I guess you might have seen it before:
    Oh... and nice formation of clouds there in that last one.
