Monday 22 April 2024

The Nag's Head

 We seem to be on (an admittedly slow) roll with pubs at the minute.  The Nag's Head.  Nice.  Fancy a pint?  Why not, eh?  Abingdon, again - by the Thames.

The Nag's Head pub in Abingdon, Oxfordshire.
On FP4+ thinking it was HP5+
HC110 for a good while, Foma 133 paper and then dunked in a-bit-too-strong freshly made Pot. Ferri.


  1. Great composition. Was the pub crowded?

    1. Thanks. I stood by the bridge and waited for the people to get close before I took the shot. We didn't go in the pub. Wish we had now! I reckon in summer time that beer garden by the side of the Thames is packed but it was a tad too cold the day we were there. Sunny, but still cold.
