Thursday 22 June 2023


The University of Oxford's museum of art and technology, founded in 1683:

Spotmatic/28mm; FP4+ on Foma 133, lightly toned in a home-brew thiourea mix.

It's an impressive big lump of a building (this is actually the side view, the front is hidden behind to the left).   You can read more about it, and the collections/exhibitions currently running by clicking here.

I'm all out of sorts at the minute and will probably take a break from posting new material for a while.  My mum had a bad fall a couple of weeks ago and is still in hospital recovering.  At 91, recovery is a slow process.  It's unclear at the minute whether or not she will return home - she's been living independently in the family home ever since my father died, over 40 years ago.  That's a long time and she's been doing well until this year, when I've noticed a sharp decline.  This is her third fall in a couple of months and although (miraculously) there were no fractures, clearly there is a lot of soft tissue damage.  We'll see how things pan out.  We have options here in Northern Ireland - from supported independent living facilities to full nursing care homes.  I've no doubt she would like to return to her own home but I think in her heart of hearts she knows that's a tall order.  But then again, she's a strong woman (mentally, not physically any more) and could surprise us all yet.  I guess you don't get to the age she is by being anything other than tough.  


  1. I wish your mom and your family good luck in this phase of her life.

    1. Thanks Jim - and (belated) condolences on the loss of your Uncle.
