Monday 6 March 2023

Diamonds in the sky (updated with Adox MCC print)

The Uni campus next door to where I live was built in the late 1960s and has some fabulous architecture - a mix of classic 60s design with some much more modern buildings.  I really should go there more often.  Depending on the time of day, the place offers up contrasting shots with different aspects of the buildings illuminated as the sun moves around (or as the Earth spins, I guess - take your pick).

Part of the 'Diamond' building in the Uni campus.  Nikon Fm3a/85mm.  
I wanted to print this on Adox MCC paper, which has a very bright white base but when I searched in the darkroom there was none open, so I used Foma 133 instead, which is a much warmer paper.  The sky in this print has almost gone to black and I think the Adox would result in more contrast between the sky and the building, which might show the diamond design more clearly.  I have some Adox in the freezer so I'll get a few sheets out and try this one again next time I'm in the darkroom.


So here's the Adox MCC version:

As expected, it's a lot brighter and the diamonds stand out a little more.  But...looking at the two prints side by side (they are both 9.5"x12") I can't decide which I prefer, which has surprised me.  I thought the Adox would blow the Foma away for this particular negative, but the Foma has a lovely look to it as well.  If anything, the warmth of the Foma seems to give it more depth. My wife prefers the Foma.

MCC is described on Adox's website as among the technologically advanced papers in the world and it gained a lot of followers when it was being produced.  A couple of years ago it was clear that there were going to be supply problems (Adox mentioned labour problems during Covid) so I bought 100 sheets of the stuff - the boxes have been living in my freezer ever since.  It was expensive, but perhaps I should have bought more as it doesn't look like its going to available to purchase again any time soon.  Adox say they have the capability, but they can't produce it at a market-acceptable price.  If they ever do start production again - and they seem reluctant to do so -  it's going to cost a lot more than I paid for it, that's for sure.  Their website states that stored below 6 degrees it's good for about 8 years, so I should be OK for a while yet.

The prices of paper (and film) has risen dramatically of late.  Sometimes I wonder if I will be able to justify the costs for much longer.  But then again, film and darkroom work is really my only thing.  I know folk around these parts who willing pay a couple of thousand pounds every year for Golf Club membership - and I don't spend anything near that on film and paper.  So for now I take a deep breath a couple of times a year, re-stock the darkroom and get on with it.


  1. Great building and photo. I'd like to see the Adox paper version. Do you have a freezer dedicated to photography?

    1. Thanks. I keep my paper in the kitchen freezer, which isn't ideal but I don't really want to run a second freezer just for my paper. My wife asks me if I'm ever going to use it up, but it's expensive fibre paper and I don't want to waste it, so I use it sparingly.

      I used to keep my film in a small fridge in the garage, but I've moved it into the kitchen fridge as well. Now that our daughter is off at Uni we have a bit more room, so it hasn't been a problem - yet ;)

  2. Re: Update - I think I like the Adox overall, but the Foma has a nice warmth. Hard to choose.
    My wife never complained about the money I spent on photography because, like you, I don't spend my money on other things like booze and fags. And I was spending my money, not hers.

    1. Hard to choose, indeed - the two prints are very different. It's nice to have choices in the darkroom.

      But...isn't your money hers too? ;)

      My grandfather gave his wife his pay packet every week. She took what she needed to run the house and gave the rest back to him to spend as he wished. He didn't drink, although they both smoked well into old age. His money went on fishing rods and permits, and in the closed season, on cartridges for his hunting gun. Most Saturdays he would come back with something for the table - fish, duck or pigeon.

      I'm glad I bought the cameras&lenses I did some years ago - at today's prices, I'd be broke! Well, I'd be using different kit, that's for sure.

    2. We pay for bills together but otherwise we keep our money separate.
      The price of equipment is getting ridiculous. Check out the price of a Contax G2 with a set of three primes. Crazy money for something that could become a paperweight any day.
