Monday 14 November 2022

Stormy Weather

 Where else but Ballintoy Harbour:

Cropped from square; 'Blad/150mm lens, FP4+ in Ilfotec HC, on Foma 133 paper.


  1. Despite the stormy weather, this photo makes me feel calm. It's very good.

    1. Thank you Marcus, appreciated. I was pretty happy with this one myself, although I wonder if I should have cropped the right edge to the rock .

    2. I didn't notice until you mentioned it, but I think a little bit of space would be good. The foreground line of small rocks has space to the right so maybe repeating that in the larger line of rocks is good design?

    3. Thanks - I hadn't noticed that. I think you could be right, there is a bit of symmetry with the rocks in the foreground which looks good now I see it.
