Monday 22 April 2019


I believe that's what they call it, anyway.  From a couple of weeks ago - where else but Portstewart Strand, looking towards the West and with the famous Mussenden Temple standing out on the headland:

Portstewart Strand, early April.  Ilford Warmtone Fibre paper

I pointed the Hasselblad almost directly into the sun - well, you have to sometimes, don't you, just to see what comes out on the old film.  It was late afternoon and the strong wind - the very strong wind - made it seem like sub-zero temperatures in spite of the strong sunlight and so we didn't go very far up the beach.  I think it was a Saturday as there were quite a few people and dogs out and about.

In the darkroom I made a straight print but I thought those highlights needed a little perking up so I dunked the print into some pot. ferri. for a short time.  It seemed to do the trick.


  1. So what's new, Michael? You just managed to put another masterpiece out of that darkroom of yours, as you usually do :)
    Your pot. ferri did some really good in this one I suppose. Not that I've seen the "before" version, but at least the highlights really stand out on this one.
    I love it of course, and that little bunch of people and your beautiful temple out there on that headland just adds to the whole experience.

    1. Haha thanks Roy not sure about the masterpiece bit though :)

  2. Very atmospheric. The forecast promised me overcast skies for today so last night I packed up my photo bag in anticipation. And woke up to a sunny day. Drat. Maybe it will cloud over later.
    When I did black and white film photography I could just send the film off to the lab to get printed. They always did their magic and delivered good results. Now that I'm doing black and white in digital I have to figure it all out myself. I once learned printing in a darkroom so I know the basics, but doing it on computer is a bit different. I've bought a book by Michael Freeman on the subject and that's helping out.

    1. Cheer Marcus - we've been cloudless for a couple of weeks now and it's driving me nuts. We don't have blue sky - there's some weird sea mist or haze or something hanging over Ireland at the minute. Not very good for any sort of outdoor photography!

      There certainly seems to be an art in getting what you want from a digital file, for sure. People in the club are always referencing guys on YouTube for ideas and inspiration. It does seem to take a while to master.

    2. The danger with digital 'developing' is going too far. A lot of people just turn all sliders "up on bust" as my mother days. Very unsubtle and quite boring.

    3. Your mother is very perceptive. Nice turn of phrase...hits the spot ;)
