Monday 17 June 2024


Peace has descended in the house after 2 weeks of busy-ness.  Firstly with Missy's 21st celebrations and secondly with catching up and having conversations about What happens next.  Still to be decided but her wish is to continue in education for at least another year.  That all depends on her degree results, which are due...drum roll...tomorrow!  Fingers crossed she will get a good enough grade to make her wish happen.

I've not managed to do anything photography-wise or darkroom-wise this week, so here's another oldie from a few years ago.  Appropriate, since I was out looking at this year's crop of gooseberries the other day.  They're coming on nicely.  I shall try to do something involving a camera with them again, before the missus gets to making her gooseberry chutney, which went down a storm last year.

Gooseberries.  The very devil to pick but worth it...I think!


  1. Best of luck to Missy. That photo is worth seeing twice.

    1. Thank you Marcus. Fingers and toes are crossed!

      And thanks - I like the way this one turned out too.
