Monday 22 March 2021

Spuds and Coal

There's not too many of these wee independent shops around any more, due to the proliferation of supermarkets and franchises. Plus, I think, a lot of villages around the North Coast have an increasingly unhealthy percentage of second-home-owners, which means that they lie unoccupied for a large part of the year.  Anyway, Glass's is in Bushmills and as you can see, has sacks of potatoes on one side and bags of coal on t'other and sure what else would you need to keep you warm and fed?

Bushmills, 2021. Via the 'Blad, HP5+ and 60mm lens

I was sorely tempted by the spuds as I reckon they'd be a damn sight better than the ones the supermarkets flog to us.  I'd probably go for the smaller of the two sizes as we haven't a large family and it's really only the odd weekend we might have half a dozen around the table for Sunday lunch.  But we do like our spuds and we go through a surprising amount each week.

I love the awning on Glass's, which looks like it hasn't changed in a few decades.  Plus the fact they put their wares (or some of them at least) out front.  Good marketing that, for any passing trade there might be...even, I was going to say, the tourists as they drive through en route to the Distillery or the Causeway.   But then again, when I think about it, I doubt too many tourists would be after spuds or coal... 


  1. Good photo. I'd believe you if you said it was made 50 years ago.
    I miss cheap bags of potatoes. They are quite expensive in Korea. Sometimes you can get cheap-ish ones, but you have to look them over for green spots.

    1. Thanks. I should get out & document these sorts of places - they are disappearing before our eyes.

      I’m the designated potato-peeler in our house & I’m fed up with having to pare down the spuds to next to nothing to get rid of black spots&thick green skins. In Ireland for goodness sake! The farm next door to us has just lifted their potatoes now in March...they over-wintered them in the ground...wet, muddy soil. Supply&demand I reckon but it doesn’t make for quality spuds. Goodness knows when they’ll actually be sold...

    2. What did you do to be made potato peeler? :) Is there any chance of a promotion to cabbage chopper? :)

    3. Oh I'm that too :) I have many titles within these four walls - not so many outside them any more, though...

    4. Maybe you'll get your Cincinnatus moment . . . .
