Thursday 20 April 2023

Check your background

 Local film star spotted in Portstewart:

OM-1, probably 50mm Zuiko; HP5+ in Ilfotec HC; Foma 133 paper, toned in home-brew thiourea.
Cropped from 35mm as there is someone's leg just out of shot on the right.  And a big wheelie bin thing...both of which are somewhat distracting.  Anyway, portraits suit the square.  

Well, she's my little star, and she's on film, so that's good enough for me.  Update on the health issues she's been having lately: the rheumatologist thinks that her recent bouts of sickness wasn't a reaction to her meds per se, but more a result of her lowered immune system, which is a known side-effect of the meds.  So there isn't a lot we can do, it seems, other than a few tweaks here and there - go back to wearing a mask when on trains/buses, be more rigorous about washing hands and perhaps a few dietary improvements.  It wasn't the answer we were looking for but What can you do?  She's on the buses to and from campus pretty much every day, not to mention being in close proximity to other students from all corners of the world during lectures and so on.  The doc held out some hope that after the year she's had her immune system is bound to strengthen, so perhaps better days lie ahead.  

Here’s the original, leg&bin included:

Obviously I was too focussed (literally!) on the subject in front of me to notice anything else


  1. Here's hoping for better days.
    Those glasses say, 'No autographs!'

    1. Thanks...and yup :) Probably no photographs either but I can ignore that.
