Thursday 22 July 2021

More bands

 Some more prints from the 12th July Parades in Coleraine last week.  All taken on the Nikon F2a with 85mm lens on HP5+ developed in HC-110 and printed on Foma 313 paper, should you care about such things.  I know from various FB groups that a lot of people do, but while I usually add such details on here, it's mainly for my own benefit as a record of what I was using when.  With regard to a photograph, I have little interest in what camera/film/developer/paper was used.  In the online groups there's too much fascination with the what and not enough on the why, in my view.

Sons of Ulster Flute Band, Portrush

The young man above is looking very deep in thought - or perhaps very bored, I can't quite decide.  Perhaps he's thinking I'd rather be on the beach than traipsing around town in this gear on a day like this.  From the look of the guy on the big drum I'd say this was one of the louder bands on the scene.

Old and not-so-old.

I like the way this shot turned out - everyone has such different facial expressions.  It was pretty warm this year and this not-so-young man at the front was doing well, especially given the uniforms.  Usually there are one or more cars that follow the walkers and anyone struggling gets a ride to 'the field'.  The field, in case you don't know, is where the bands and walkers end up at the end of the parade.  There would be tea and sandwiches and one or more guys on a makeshift stage and a microphone/PA system to keep folk entertained with suitable rousing speeches and perhaps the odd sermon or three.  Then they would walk back through the town, usually on a shorter route, before dispersing on coaches to their home Orange Hall.  Younger members might then enjoy a shandy or two in the evening...

Loughanreagh Accordion Band

The piano-accordion bands are generally comprised of older members, or alternatively they might be all-ladies bands.  Either way, the sound they make is most pleasant to my ears.  I'd imagine it takes a bit of skill to work these hand instruments, since the two hands are doing different things - there's a shortened keyboard on one side and buttons on the other.  Don't ask me what the buttons do - I haven't a clue.


  1. I like all of the photos, but the first one is perfect. The young man's cap stands out against dark backgrounds so we can see the complete shape, the drummer's stick(?) isn't covered by the young man's shoulder, and the two pipers in the back are nicely placed. And, you got a moving target in focus with a manual focus 85mm lens!
    The expression on the older gentleman's face is excellent. I wonder what he was thinking.

    1. Thank you Marcus, appreciated. A bit of luck does no harm :)

      The older man has his head cocked to one side - perhaps he's listening to the band up front and thinking 'That drummer's out of sync with the rest of the band' haha.
