Saturday 22 September 2018

Amalfi walkabout

A few more shots from our afternoon walkabout in Amalfi.

Drip dry in Amalfi
This sort of scene above I love - it's real and To heck with the tourist trade, I'm hanging out my washing.  There's many a place in the world - mostly the 'better off' areas - where local by-laws preclude the hanging out of washing.  It might lower the tone, don't you know and we don't do that sort of thing around here.  What a load of piffle, eh?

Amalfi - town square

As you can see, the narrowness of the main drag there means it does get a little congested at times.  That's well and good, but that narrow little ginnel there is still a right of way for vehicular traffic, believe it or not.  So every few minutes people have to stand in the doorways and let local cars, motorbikes (lots) and vans (lots) pass.  And the drivers don't hold back on using the horn to clear the way.  Chaos, basically - Italian chaos, and great value.  I wouldn't want it any other way.

Some Amalfian architecture for you

Most of my shots here seem to be in portrait mode.  Something to do with the narrow streets and tall buildings, no doubt...


  1. I live in Korea, which has the 'Korean chaos' of narrow streets and drivers using their horns instead of their brakes. The charm wears thin very quickly . . . .
    Great photos, by the way. It looks like a nice place to visit during the off season. Do places like this have an off season?

    1. Oh I'm sure the charm would wear pretty quickly, Marcus, if you had to live with it day in and day out :)

      Thanks and yes if I went again I would try to go later or earlier in the year. According to the hotel workers, it's full on from April until October and then the hotels close and there is no work for anyone. So in the season they work 6 or 7 days a week, from early in the morning to late at night in order to make their money for the year. Not an easy life I would say.

      But I would think there must be some hotels that open all year. Or nowadays there's always AirBnB of course.
