Wednesday 26 August 2015

Normal service resumed

Well Missy has gone back to school and the rain is coming down like stair-rods (as they used to say round these parts) so things are getting back to normal.  Stair-rods are of course mostly a thing of the past - unless you have a very grand house, that is.

So where were we...oh yes, Rathlin, or Raghery if you prefer.  Seems like an age ago now.  Luckily I don't have too many of my wonderful B&W creations to show you - mostly 'cos they were pretty dull affairs.  Rathlin, in case you haven't been paying attention, is a wee island off the north coast of Northern Ireland and lies between us and Bonnie Scotland.  It's where Robert the Bruce lived in a cave for a year and saw his famous spider, before he returned to Scotland to become King, or something like that.  It's also where Richard Branson crash-landed his big balloon thingmy that he flew in across the Atlantic.  In gratitude he donated a few coins for an activity centre on the island which now bears his name - the centre, that is, not the island.

And it also has a place in world history, for it is here that a certain Guglielmo Marconi made the first wireless transmission - between Ballycastle on the mainland and the island.  Well, although Marconi was The Man, apart from an initial survey he left the actual experiment to his right-hand-man and his colleague.  And history, as they say, was made.

So...what to tell.  Well, the RSPB bird sanctuary is a place of wonder, where thousands of seabirds come to nest each summer - puffins, razorbills, guillemots, fulmars, kittiwakes, shags and gannets to name but a few.  Here's the sort of thing you can expect to see from a wee boat:


All those wee dots are in fact birds.  You'd have to be quite sociable to be a sea-bird on Rathlin in July.  Quite a noise they make too.

I apologise for the rather blurry snap here - but hey, you try standing on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic trying to get a shot off with a 20-year old film camera.  It ain't easy.  Plus I only had 100ASA film loaded, so me shutter speeds were too low.  Ah well, you get the gist...

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