Monday, 17 March 2025

St Patrick's Day Shenanigans

Happy St Patrick's Day!  Patron Saint of Ireland and all that.  Legend has it that the big man, when he was a young man, was captured from his home in England and transported to Ireland, where he tended swine on nearby Slemish Mountain (more of a big hill, truth be told).  Then he got a kind of enlightenment or something, went back to England (strange decision that one) before returning to the homeland and bringing the message of Christianity with him.  Oh and he banished all snakes from the country too.  Good job,  I say - and definitely beats tending pigs up Slemish where it kind of rains a lot.

Anyway, I actually stole a few hours in the darkroom last week and printed a few more from my Newcastle walkabouts:

The famous bridge over the Tyne, Newcastle.
HP5+ on Foma 313.

The Nikon N80 coped remarkably well saying as I was pointing it directly into strong sun in auto-exposure mode. The negs weren't overblown and still retained a little detail in the shadows although it can be tricky to keep that detail in the final print.  I think I ended up printing around grade 0.5, which gives you an idea of the dynamic range in the negative (multigrade papers can handle anything from grade 0 to grade 5 and the norm would be around grade 3). 

It's very pleasant down by the river in Newcastle but actually getting there from the centre of the town was not so easy for me. The nearest Metro is some way away and there's a big drop in elevation to get to the river.  Missy and I ended up traversing several dozen stone steps which were clearly very old and very uneven.  Not my favourite pastime, that, but we managed it OK and had a lovely stroll along the water.  Coffee and cake included. By the time we hiked back up to town I was ready for a small libation, not to mention two small collations. 

Not much happens in Coleraine for St Patrick's Day, by the way.  We don't turn the river green or anything, like they do in the well-known Irish city of Chicago.  There's probably a parade of some sorts but it's nothing to write home about.  You have to go to Derry or Donegal to get a sense of the pride Ireland has in the Big Day and saying as I'm increasingly adverse to hoards of people that's a no-no for me.  Anyway, I spent most of last night attending our local Accident & Emergency Department on account of a severe infection I have in a finger.  Stupid finger!  But boy is it painful.  And got even more painful at around 4am this morning when the doctor decided to cut into it to relieve the swelling.  I'm all bandaged up now and back home, albeit with about 4 hours sleep.  Hope you appreciate the effort typing this drivel has been!


  1. Yikes! I hope the finger heals soon. I cringed when I read the doctor cut it open. Oof, shivers. That's a great photo of the bridge in Newcastle. I guess it will be a while before you're back in the darkroom. Photo chemicals and infected fingers probably don't mix . . .

    1. Thanks. I must admit I was worried when I saw him prepare the table, but he froze the finger before he went at it, so I didn't really feel much pain at the time. Half an hour later though I was screaming for some pain relief! Unfortunately it's a finger on my dominant hand so I can do nothing without knocking it, which shall we say 'gets my attention'.

  2. Heal up quick!

    Here, St. Patrick's Day is a big excuse to go out to a bar, drink Guinness or Jameson, and get wasted.
