Monday 27 May 2024

Out of commission

Not me, thankfully, but me darkroom.  Just for a couple of weeks as it's being used as a storage facility in preparation for our daughter's homecoming later this week and her 21st birthday celebrations.  Hard to believe she is rapidly becoming a young woman - teenage years receding into the distance.  Next up will be conversations about the plan for the future, which hopefully includes getting a real job.  She's not ready to come home any time in the foreseeable, that's for sure.  I think that's the right move - at that age I had no notion of coming back home either.  

So I'll revisit some old work for a week or two, until I can reclaim my dark place.  

One of my daughter's shots, at Portstewart Harbour a couple of years ago.
She caught the moment perfectly.


  1. I remember that photo - it's a good one. No darkroom? Time to buy a digital camera. :P
