Thursday 6 February 2020

The Wait

Last time we saw the Sheep Man shooing the lambs into a smaller pen - makes for easier grabbing prior to the shearing.  They didn't look too unhappy about it, but they kept milling around and I had to wait a while before I got the shot I wanted.  They don't stand still, the little blighters! It was like a sea of sheep as they jostled for position - trying, I guess, to find a way out... 

Dorsets, awaiting their fate.  Ilford Delta 3200 on Warmtone fibre paper.

There was only one way out, though, and that was into the waiting arms of the sheep-shearer.  The technique appeared to be: grab the nearest one, get it out of the pen, then twist it's head up and back so that it went off-balance and effectively sat back on his hind quarters.  At this stage it no longer has much of a say in anything so it can be dragged rather unceremoniously the few yards closer to the shearing equipment.  The Man had his technique down pat so it takes longer to read how it's done than the actual doing of it.

Next up: The Main Event.


  1. That would be a difficult photo to make even with a fancy 35mm autofocus camera. I'm impressed!

    1. Thanks - it did require patience, Marcus, but in the end I got lucky.

      They're funny wee animals to be around - inquisitive but a little jumpy as well.

  2. I love this one! Perfectly waited out to the right moment for sure.
    Funny you decided to load the Hassy with Delta 3200. Not that it's a funny choice under the circumstances of course, but funny because it's a film we rarely use and double funny because I found a couple of rolls of that very same thing hidden away among a lot of other sorts of film inside the cooler in my cabin yesterday, and loaded it into my Rolleiflex this morning. I don't know if I'm able to use it over here though, but maybe for some indoor shots. We will see.
    Great job done on this one anyway!

    1. Cheers Roy. They are funny little animals, the sheep-things, when you see them up close. I'm getting to like the 3200 film - for the right occasion when you need something fast, of course. I shall look out for your shots in the usual place ;)
