Monday, 4 March 2019

Portstewart Bay, again

I don't think I'll ever tire of this view, to be honest.  That may or may not be bad news for you, poor reader.  But I can drive the car up here and unload the Hasselblad and tripod and whatever else I need and snap away to my heart's content.  These days, with the legs what they are, that's a bonus, believe me.  So here you go...again:

Portstewart Bay, towards Derry/Donegal.  HP5+ on the 'Blad.  Probably Adox MCC paper but I can't be sure.

As you are probably aware, every time I visit this place it looks different. On account of the light, of course - and the clouds.

Sometimes a print has to grow on you and this was one of those times.  This particular print has sat around for a week or two. The subtlety of the clouds finally got to me and I thought "Maybe this one's not too bad".


  1. I feel everything related to photos has to grow on me these days. I keep my films for a long time (way too long, strictly spoken...) before I get them developed. Then there's some looking and checking if there might be something there, and the negs get put to the side for a while. Then I might scan some and hopefully printed with some luck and if I can get away for a few hours... and then there's the job of letting the print grow on me, slowly... Some make it, and others not. A couple has even found their way up on the wall for a short time.

    1. A good point, Roy. Sometimes the prints I don't like at first grow on me - sometimes a lot. And others, that I seemed to like when they first came out of the dark place, I change my mind about completely. Good to know it's not just me ;)
