Monday, 10 March 2025

Still here

 Still alive but not doing much camera-wise at the minute.  Apart from the inclement weather (apart from the weekend just past) there's a lot going on 'around the house'.  Well, around the garden to be more accurate - cutting back of trees and shrubs before the new growth starts and lifting up the million+ sticks that have fallen onto the lawn so I can give the grass a first cut.  I say lawn, but that's somewhat optimistic - it's mostly moss and bare patches but hopefully that will improve as the temperature picks up.

I've not been out with a camera for a while and can't get into the darkroom either, so it's an oldie for today. 

Bergamo, Italy - just before Covid struck when the scenes from Bergamo were horrific.  There have been a number of articles about it, including this one.